Our Leadership Team

Cameray Leadership Team

Tanya Valois   (Executive Director)

Tanya Valois is the Executive Director at Cameray Child and Family Services. She has a Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Victoria and a Bachelor’s degree in Child and Youth Care from Douglas College.

Tanya has worked in the community social service sector for over 30 years. She has committed much of her formal education and professional development to honing her skills and knowledge in leadership development. Tanya is dedicated to collaboration and partnership believing that communities are stronger through working together.

Outside of her work, Tanya has served as a Board member with a non-profit organization in Burnaby and contributed to the work of animal welfare organizations. She has served as a Peer Reviewer for the Council on Accreditation. Tanya has engaged in extensive professional development focused on Truth and Reconciliation, Anti-Oppression and Inclusive Communication, and Trauma Informed Care.

Tanya is committed to leading the agency forward in providing high-quality and barrier-free services to families in Burnaby and New Westminster.

Janice (Jay) Bexson, B.A., ECE/IT   (EYPSP Program Coordinator) 

Janice (Jay) Bexson is a Program Coordinator for the Early Years Parenting Support Program. She is a licensed Early Childhood and Infant/Toddler Educator, supplemented by a Family Resource Practitioner credential from the Justice Institute of BC.  Jay studied Public Administration (University of Victoria) at a masters’ level, holds an Adult Education degree from the University of the Fraser Valley, a Mental Health Counselling Skills certificate from the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute, and completed accredited coaching training in 2013, where she received her Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH), recognized by the ICF (International Coach Federation). Jay has worked in several non-profit organizations, with 20 years experience in leadership roles including director and project manager. She is committed to community development, equity, and justice and her lived experiences and acquired knowledge are key influences in how she engages in anti-racism, inclusion, and mental health initiatives.  

Janine Sakai, M.A., C.C.C.   (Program Coordinator)

Janine Sakai, M.A., C.C.C., is a Program Coordinator at Cameray Child and Family Services. Janine holds a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology from Adler University, and is a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Janine is currently working within the management team as a Program Coordinator and a clinician within the Counselling Program.  She has worked at Cameray as a Clinical Counsellor for the past 10 years providing support to children, youth, and their parents.  Her approach stems from a place of compassion and a unique understanding of childhood trauma.  She focuses on attachment principles to help young people and families heal, grow, and reconnect with themselves and others.  Janine is passionate about the environment, nature, and animals, all of which she endeavours to make space for both professionally and personally.

Armaghan Esfandiari, R.C.C., A.C.S.   (Clinical Coordinator)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG-1067.jpgArmaghan Esfandiari, R.C.C., A.C.S., is a Clinical Coordinator at Cameray Child and Family Services. Armaghan has a Master of Science in Developmental Psychology from Lancaster University, and is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Approved Clinical Supervisor with the B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors. She has worked with adolescents, students, and adults with a range of complex issues such as developmental disorder, anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, mood disorder and trauma in clinical and private settings. She has been providing clinical supervision to counsellors and students for over 5 years and practising counselling for ten years. She enjoys providing supervision to newer counsellors to build confidence and ownership in this amazing profession.