Circle of Security Parenting Program

Circle of Security Parenting Program

Cameray Child & Family Services, Burnaby Pacific Grace Church and Pacific Immigrant Resources Society are hosting a free online workshop open to families with children 0-5 years old.

Please click HERE for more information on dates and how to register.

Program Information: At times as parents we all feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™Program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.


Parenting Workshop for Newcomers to Canada

Helping Children Grow and Thrive

Cameray Child & Family Services and Pacific Immigrant Resources Society are hosting a free online workshop open to newcomer families with children 0-8 years old.

Please click here for our workshop poster to get more information on dates and how to register.

Sessions are suitable for families with English as an Additional Language.

Arabic translation will be available


Parenting can be a joyful and challenging experience for all parents. When you are parenting in a new country, it presents an additional set of joys and challenges. Join us as we discuss ways to help create a strong parent-child relationship that will help you support your child in their growth and development and enjoy your parenting experience.


This series will be facilitated by Georgianna Lee, Parent Support Counsellor,from Cameray Child & Family Services.  Georgianna will be available for 30 minutes after each session to answer additional parenting/child development questions participants may have.



Counselling Program Update


Introducing the Counselling Program’s New Stepped Care Model

Starting Fall 2019, Cameray Child and Family Services began a process of exploring how the Counselling Program could incorporate a Stepped Care Model to best serve the population in Burnaby and New Westminster.  That process began with listening to the feedback of both past and present clients, researching the effectiveness of Stepped Care Models, and reaching out to other local agencies that were also making the transition to this model of care.  What became clear is that expanding our counselling services to incorporate group therapy as part of the Stepped Care Model would not only alleviate some of the issues our clients were facing such as long wait lists, but would also offer an incredibly effective therapy for certain presenting issues.

We began implementation of the new program model this summer. The experience of the clients as they are referred to and begin their services in Cameray’s Counselling Program will stay much the same.  The referrals are still open to the community to be submitted by telephone, email, or fax, and the client will be contacted for an intake session as soon as possible.  Our counsellors will then facilitate an intake session, which will the give them the information they need to make recommendations for the most therapeutically beneficial next steps for the client and their family.  Those next steps may include group, individual, and/or family therapy. Cameray will run the first series of groups starting in October 2020 (see attached list of groups for 2020-2021). All of these groups will be offered virtually, in order to maintain the safety of both clients and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will continue to gather feedback, evaluate effectiveness, and monitor outcomes throughout this shift to a Stepped Care Model.

We appreciate your patience during this transition, and welcome any feedback you might have about our services. Should you have any further comments, concerns, or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


COVID-19 Update To Services

Updated April 07, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak and in response to recommendations from the Provincial Health Office, all Cameray staff will be working predominantly from home until further notice. Cameray is currently opening our office to limited in-person services as of June 2020, however most client groups and sessions will continue to take place virtually.  Our agency continues to follow recommendations from our Provincial Health Office (PHO) and WorkSafe industry standards to guide our restart plan.  Our priority is to keep our families and staff safe.  Staff are checking emails and voicemails regularly, although it may take slightly longer than usual to get back to you. We are also accepting new referrals and are providing services via telephone, video, and online. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.

Please note that, due to COVID restrictions, our office hours are limited and may change without notice when staff are ill.  If you are making an unscheduled visit to the office, we encourage you to call our admin desk at 604-436-9449 Ext 0 before heading over.

Please click on the following links for further information regarding in-person services:

Child and Family Counselling Program:

– Most counselling sessions will be via phone or video chat until further notice.  The counselling program is currently taking on new referrals, however, there is still a waitlist for service.  The counselling program will be offering limited in-person sessions for children and families as deemed necessary.

Parent Support Program:

– This program is for parents who are expecting or have at least one child under the age of 5.  The program is currently open to new referrals and has no waitlist.  Most individual support sessions will be held via phone or video chat until further notice.  There will be limited in-person sessions for Parent Support clients as deemed necessary.  All groups are running online via Zoom. Click here if you would like to see a calendar of groups being offered.

Child Victim Support Services:

– This program is for children who have been victimized or have witnessed a crime.  The program is currently taking on new referrals and meeting with clients via phone or video chat.  Limited in-person sessions may also be available as deemed necessary.

If you are interested in accessing any of our programming, or would like to make a referral, please email or call and leave a message at 604-436-9449.  Please visit our “Refer to Us” page to complete a referral form (families are allowed to refer themselves).

To sign up for groups please email

Welcome Christian Monks to the Management Team!

PictureWelcome Christian!

Christian Monks has been a valued member of the Cameray team since 2008.  He is both a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Registered Art Therapist, and he brings his engaging personality and his skills in Mindfulness, EMDR, AEDP, and Art Therapy to his work as a Child and Family Counsellor in the Counselling Program.  He has also specialized in working with children under 12 with sexually intrusive behaviours in our SHIP program, and has consulted with the community on this issue. We are excited to announce that Christian will now be providing clinical supervision and program coordination and management, alongside Michele Holding, as our Counselling Program expands.  We will miss him greatly on the front line, but are so happy to benefit from his skills in this new role!

Cameray Movie Recommendation: Disney Pixar’s INSIDE OUT

Inside Out

inside outHave you ever asked yourself what could possibly be going on inside your child’s head? Well now you can thanks to the new Disney movie Inside Out. The movie illustrates how a kid’s mind can be a pretty complicated place. The movie shows an 11 year old child, Riley growing up and learning how to handle her biggest emotions. Ultimately, Inside Out has important messages about needing to feel and express all of your emotions, whether happy or sad.

The essence of the story is to appreciate all of our emotions. The main character, Riley has the following emotions in her head that all of us have: joy, sadness, fear, disgust, and anger. Admittedly Fear, Disgust and Anger don’t come across quite as favorable as the other two do. Still, Sadness illustrated that life is full of a mixture of sentiments. That message will likely go over the heads of little ones who will be more entertained by the colorful animation and slapstick antics. Yet for older children and tweens, Inside Out can be a good way to begin a conversation about the importance of giving voice to all of our feelings.Continue reading


The staff and clientele here at Cameray would like to extend a big THANK YOU to BCAA for their generous donations of food, toys, and gift cards for our families in need.  We greatly appreciate their support in helping our clients, agency, and greater community.