Parenting Through Anger

Parenting Through Anger Series – How to Foster Connection in the Home

Free 6-week workshop in New Westminster that is open to all families with children 0-5 years old! The workshops are on Tuesdays from February 6th – March 13th  10:30am – 12:30pm. Please click here for more information

Child Development Back to Basics

Child Development Basics: A Parent’s Guide to Health, Discipline & more!

Cameray Child and Family Services is hosting 4 free workshops in New Westminster that are open to all families with children 0-5 years old!

Child Development Back to Basics

Join us for these 4 informative groups where parents will learn the basics about child development. Each week will feature a different topic of interest, where you will be provided with scientific information and practical skills to promote healthy development in children ages 0-5. There will also be time at the end of each group for parents to ask questions and chat. Parents can sign up for the entire series, or for individual groups.

Topics include:

February 22, 2018    Health and Wellness

March 1, 2018           Connection through Attachment and Play

March 8, 2018           Discipline without Damage

March 15, 2018         Stranger Safety


WHERE: : NLC Qayqayt Elementary School

85 Merrivale St New Westminster, BC V3L 0G2

Multipurpose Room


WHEN: Thursdays February 22nd – March 15th   9:45am – 11:45am


HOW TO REGISTER: Registration is required – to register please email or call 604-436-9449

  • Families must have at least one child under the age of 5 to qualify for registration
  • FREE Childcare is provided on site – must register for child care
  • FREE snacks and bus tickets are also provided at each group

In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, 2017

In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, 2017, we’d like to share an art piece created from a 16 year old female’s passion for learning more about the experience of a refugee.

Below are the words of this artist explaining what inspired this beautiful piece of work:

“The refugee crisis is the story of our time. How we are dealing with it is defining who we are.  I can’t not deal with it in my work.  To create is to be curious, engaged, awake, and in earnest dialogue with the unknown.  And truly, it is through dance that I have the best hope of honoring a subject I care so deeply about” –Crystal Pite

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Working with Syrian Refugees

Working with Syrian Refugee Families

Cameray Child and Family Services has had the privilege to collaborate with the New Westminster School District and New Westminster Child and Youth Mental Health to create a program for working with refugee families from Syria.  This was all made possible because United Way of Lower Mainland has dedicated funding for helping Syrian refugee families settle in the Lower Mainland.  Through this funding our organizations were able to put together a training led by Dr. Sarina Kot for over 50 New Westminster school staff and service providers to learn how to recognize settlement issues versus symptoms of trauma.
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